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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Final Blog

I've gotten a plethora of new ideas on what I could and should be doing with technology in schools. At times it seems a bit overwhelming, all the aspects to cover, but in reality I have no choice but to implement change and do it on a major scale. Starting with the tech plan is a logical jumping off piece for me. I hope to build a skeleton for my ideas on which later I will flesh out more elaborate initiatives.

I need to take care of the basic hardware and software issues before I get too crazy. I will though take a classroom here and there and try a few new ideas that will cost a bit, but I see that there are many things I can implement without cost that will most certainly enhance classroom instruction. For example everyone could and should use Google docs and iGoogle. The potential for sharing and innovation are obvious.

So, Todd, it's been a pleasure and enlightening experience. You related many useful ideas to us. Thanks!